Name _
City _State_ Zip_
Age -
It is essential that you have good hearing for zoom instruction!
How many hours can you spend per week carving?
Do you have a shop or carving workplace?
What equipment or tools do you use or are willing to acquire?
Do you have a recent model desktop, laptop, or medium to large size pad?
Can you do basic computer skills such as email, texting, downloading and sending images via email, or text.?
Do you have an external web camera in addition to the device camera or are you willing to acquire one for the online program?
Do you have a good internet connection?
How close is your computer or device to your workplace?
When submitting this form please elaborate on the same email about your special interests in regard to wildfowl carving.
Thank you and I will get in touch with you after I receive this information.
My phone is 919-673-4430. if you have any immediate questions. I would be happy to hear from you.